Case Studies

Case Studies

Facebook Retargeting Case Study: How We Created A 7,425% ROI On A Single Campaign In 24 Hours

iConsultify has helped many organizations and entrepreneurs achieve their goals very easily and smoothly. At iConsultify, we can boost your marketing investment and help you generate a massive sum of revenue. O...

Case Studies

How We Generated $36,449 In Revenue From a $4,159 Ad Spend Within a Month

Ever wondered how some organizations or entrepreneurs manage to keep their cash flow positive without actually doing much about it? What is their secret behind a marginally huge revenue? Well, if you are lookin...

Case Studies

How we helped a furniture store to achieve ROAS from 0 to 29 in 3 months

iConsultify has helped many organizations and entrepreneurs achieve their goals very easily and smoothly. At iConsultify, we can boost your marketing investment and help you generate a massive sum of revenue. O...
Case Studies

How we helped a sunglasses store to achieve $8,873 within the first month of launch

iConsultify has helped many organizations and entrepreneurs achieve their goals very easily and smoothly. At iConsultify, we can boost your marketing investment and help you generate a massive sum of revenue. O...

Case Studies

How We Helped Indiegogo Campaign To Reach A Million Dollar With Facebook Ads

iConsultify has helped many organizations and entrepreneurs achieve their goals very easily and smoothly. At iConsultify, we can boost your marketing investment and help you generate a massive sum of revenue. O...

Case Studies

Our Top 6 Brilliant Facebook Campaigns (& Why They Worked)

iConsultify has helped many organizations and entrepreneurs achieve their goals very easily and smoothly. At iConsultify, we can boost your marketing investment and help you generate a massive sum of revenue. O...

Case Studies

We spent over $2,00,000 on Facebook Ads. Here is what we’ve learned.

iConsultify has helped many organizations and entrepreneurs achieve their goals very easily and smoothly. At iConsultify, we can boost your marketing investment and help you generate a massive sum of revenue. O...