Case Studies

How we helped a sunglasses store to achieve $8,873 within the first month of launch

iConsultify has helped many organizations and entrepreneurs achieve their goals very easily and smoothly. At iConsultify, we can boost your marketing investment and help you generate a massive sum of revenue.

Our magical marketing formula is here to serve you the best. Our unique methods and outstanding techniques make us stand out amongst our peers.

We love working with great entrepreneurs. iConsultify is a family, and we serve you as one. We offer our sweat, blood, and tears to help you grow your businesses by selling more of your products and services.

Let’s see how we he lpeda sunglasses store to achieve $8,873 within the first month of launch.

Knowing Your Target Audience

The main reason for the success of any business is its happy customers. Knowing the need for your product/services across the market it the first and foremost step before starting a business. So, we first studied the target audience who will buy a particular product.

Social Media Marketing

Almost everyone uses social media nowadays. The various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat have billions of users all around the globe. Engaging with people has never been this easier. We leverage social media platforms for marketing and advertising the company’s product.

One of the most famous and widely used social media platforms is Facebook. It is also one of the oldest among its peers. Billions of people use Facebook every day. A successful Facebook marketing campaign can be a game-changer for any business.

Facebook Ads: The Beginning

The main benefit of Facebook ads is that it comes with an interest-based targeting technique. Once you have shortlisted your target audience-people who are interested in your product you can easily convert these into your customers. At iConsultify, we use this idea to generate the initial traction for the product. This is exactly what we did for the sunglasses store.

We started bombarding ads initially to a wider audience. Later on, we shortlisted the ones who engaged with the ads by giving a like, commenting, and/or sharing it.

Firstly, we analyzed the shortlisted audience pool based on their country, gender, and age. This gave us a pretty rough idea about the potential market and its location.

Below is what this analysis looks like:

This audience now acted as the ‘base audience’ for the product. We initially focused on this pool to get the momentum.

The Ad Funnel

The next step was that we decided to build a very simple ad funnel.

The funnel went something like:

  1. Target the entire audience pool and aim for “content views”
  2. Re-target the “content viewers” and aim for “add to cart” and/or “purchase”.

Also, we sorted out the audience based on a few other parameters like:

  • Audiences (countries, age, custom audiences, and lookalike audiences)
  • Offers (discounts, free shipping, and missed deals)
  • Designs (fonts, colors, style, and stock mages)
  • Copywriting (wording, friendly, or provocative)
  • Styles (images and videos)

All these steps served one single task: gathering data. Getting as much information as possible in the shortest time was our target.

We also targeted all-out energy initially on ‘content views’. This not only helped with the branding but also it gained us a pool of people who were familiar with the product. This ultimately helped us get more sales in the long run.

The First Ads:

This is how the first ads looked like: These ads directed customers straight to the product page. What we learned is that these ads were not bringing as much traffic as we expected. These ads were not tempting the audience too but the product.

We sure did had the traction, but that was not enough. So we instantly change the ads and made a different version.

We analyzed the result of the new ads and this was very impressive.

As you can see, these ads performed far better than the previous ones. But again, there was still room for improvement and that’s what we did.

We changed the ad again and analyzed the result. Through these ads, we directly hit the audience at the right point. We broke the offer down into percentage and also in actual saving dollars. Also, the image and writings tempted a larger audience to click on the ads and explore the product.

Now we knew that this kind of ad was perfect for our product. So again, we compared both the ads and found out that the ad on the left side performed better as compared to the one on the right. This told us that savings in percentage appealed more to the audience as compared to the savings in dollars.

People were directed to the below page after the clicked the ad: This ad was a game-changer for the business.

Optimization is Must!

At iConsultify, we believe that there is always room for improvement and we work on this belief. We improvise our best work in every possible way. We optimized this marketing campaign in different steps.

1. Optimizing the Website:

The pages when people see when they click on the ads are equally important. These pages need to be more promising so that the viewers will get converted into customers.

We make the page by thinking from a customer’s perspective. What would we want to see if we click on this ad? Also, adding the ‘you might also like’ section drives customers to buy more which in turn is beneficial for the company.

2. Optimizing Facebook Ads:

Optimization of Facebook ads is necessary for the “add to carts” and/or “purchases” conversion. This part is done with the help of the data we collected earlier. Now, we brought all of it together to create a new model that was far more efficient, focused, and effective for the business.

Bringing it All Together!

We analyzed everything, right from our first failed Facebook ad to the most recent success. This gave us a better insight into recognizing our target audience, which ads worked, and how to attract more customers. Up until now, we had created 10 different ads and now we made the 11th ad which had all the lessons and improvisations in it!

We performed the next task in the following steps:

1. Campaign Objective

The sole intention of this campaign was to generate sales. We also created a ‘split test’ alongside to monitor two different audience pools.

2. Ad Audience

This new ad campaign targeted two different audience pools based on their location. The first one was the audience in the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia and the other one was the audience pool was in all the other countries.

3. Budgeting and Scheduling

We now chose a daily $100 budget and split it evenly per add. We then set the ad to run for 10 days straight. So accordingly, we would have spent a maximum of $1000 if we ran it till the end (but we did not).

4. Formatting

We then formatted the ad according to our data and analysis. This time we made a single image ad.

5. Media and Links

In this step, we finally put all the parts in the puzzle and made the final ad. This is what it looked like:

This was it! This was our final shot and it did wonders!

The Winning Ad!

Only 24 hours after we published this new ad, we made $324.93 from 12 orders!

This last Facebook ad was the game-changer for the business. Just when thought it couldn’t get any better, it does! We still optimized and improved this ad!

We analyzed 30% of the sales in the first 24 hours that came from the audience based in the US. Now, this finding was important and we got to know where we should focus more. We needed to stop this ad right away and give it one last final push!

Finding the Sweet Spot!

Our next ad campaign has to be strong, the strongest we have ever created. We used the same setup and visuals as before, but this time, we only targeted the audience pool in the USA, Canada, UK, and Australia.

Also, we discontinued the ‘split test’ and decided to spend $50 per day. If we look at it now, is not easy to believe the amount of work needed to reach this stage. Everything from setting up the social media website to exploring Facebook ads, from analyzing the target audience to testing various ads had brought us here.

This all came down to one last and the best ad. All this blood, sweat, and tears into creating this most effective ad ended up generating $5716.09 in total after spending $758.40 on this ad.

We spent a total of $1225.14 in Facebook ads and made a total of $5904.59 in revenue. So our net profit set at $3037.05 which was pretty amazing.

Changing the Price

A successful eCommerce business is all about the average money a customer spends per item. Average order value is very important in this business. So, now we needed to increase the value but not overdo it. The average order value was $27.68 before testing.

We increased the price of every product by $5 on April 21, 2018. We were later analyzed again after a month and the results were far better than we expected!

We saw a 15% increase in the average order value. It went up by $5.73 per order and this was just staggering! This extra income bolstered online website selling. A part of this earning was later circulated back into ads improvisation and analysis for making it even better.


This journey is full of hurdles and obstacles, but experts at iConsultify have made it simpler, easier, and smoother like never before. Our ultimate aim is “More Revenue, Less Time”.

We managed to generate a total of $8872.50 in 4 weeks. This number is the testament that we achieve our goal!

Additionally, we had achieved a 5% returning customer rate. This means that out of every 100 customers, 5 customers came back to the website and placed an order.

We got a total of 296 orders, this means that at least 14 customers will return to the website and buy it again.

For this business, we achieve a returning customer rate of 2.71% which was still god as compared to an average of 2% in an eCommerce business.

After optimizing and improving, we managed to increase this returning rate to 3.79%.

The business made a profit of $4365.78 profit after 31 days. This profit is only going to increase as we go further.

At iConsultify, we offer the best services with great returns. Our achievements are a testament to this statement. A wise man once said, “A person who stops advertising to save money is the person who stops the clock to save time.”

iConsultify helps you convert your advertisements into an invaluable asset. All you need to do is to connect with iConsultify, and sit back and relax while your advertisements earn money for you and bring you more customers than ever!

So what are you waiting for? Give us a call and let us help you make more money than ever!

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